Oct 3, 2009
Tags | Ariel Olivetti, comicbooks, Dale Keown, J. H. Williams III, Jerome Opena, Mike Choi, Moon Knight, Sonia Oback, Steve McNiven, They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah
They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah:September
1:46 PM
My top 7 artists for the month of September:
Mr. Opena went from one vigilante mercenary (Punisher:Dark Reign) who wants to kick Norman Osborne's ass to another.
The former artist of the Incredible Hulk artwork comes just in time for Halloween.
I had to sleep with a nightlight after I read this book.
6. Jerome Opena - Vengeance of the Moon Knight

Think badder cop/bad cop.
Mr. Red-Haired cornrows is way over due for a can of whoop-ass.
I can't wait.
5. Mike Choi & Sonia Oback - X-Force
Maybe all penciller's should tie the knot with
their colorists. Match made in X-Force heaven.
4. Ariel Olivetti - Incredible Hulk
The facial expressions of all the characters drawn by this
Argentinean is hilarious. They match perfectly
with Greg Pak's dialogue.
3.Steve McNiven / Wolverine:Old Man Logan
FINALLY, the ending to the grossly awesome Old Man Logan story-arc. SADLY, its over.
Millar and McNiven, I command you to get in your creative caves and write/draw the next chapter.
2. Salvador Larroca - The Invincible Iron Man
I love how this Spaniard's art meshes with Fraction's writing. The World's Most Wanted story-arc is one of the best. The panel with Black Widow and Maria Hill is one of my favorite panels of the month.
1. JH Williams III - Detective Comics
Pencilling, coloring, and paneling = phenomenal.
You need to pick up this current run of Detective Comics...
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