Feb 21, 2010
Tags | actionfigures, big O, dakine, DC Direct, events, Killin It, Toy Fair 2010
DC Direct is Killing It
4:25 PM
After picking up the latest release of Blackest Night figs (Larfleeze and Arisia- for now) and spending time reviewing comprehensive coverage of last week's Toy Fair 2010-- thx to Comicvine, Newsarama, IGN, Tomopop and Experience the Wonder- I felt compelled to give serious props to DC Direct.
Since I started with Blackest Night, might as well jump right into that line. With confirmed releases of BN figs coming out every 2 to 3 months until August (by then should be Wave 5 which includes Nekron, Deadman, Hawkman and Batman) I wasn't all that surprised to see more BN themed figs make our way.
The definite favorite based on numerous revs is Star Sapphire Wonder-Woman.
I was kinda stunned to see another WW fig coming out with the Black Lantern version (wave 4 in April) already in production, but after seeing how strikingly authentic it resembles a Nicola Scott illustration- like you, I am stoked.
The other toys that are coming out in this line is a Black Lantern Hawkgirl (scary!), another Hal Jordan (looks alright) and a Blue Lantern Flash-- which is another fine edition.
To be honest, I would of been more hyped to see Mera with an Indigo Tribe Atom (as an accessory) included in this line in place of another GL Hal- especially with another iteration of his likeness released in the next JLA Classified line.
The JLA Classified- Classic series 3 highlights more of the Ed McGuinness inspired figs-- and brings us Zoom, the Atom, Superman (Red) and as mentioned earlier, GL Hal. The Reverse Flash sculpt is sick as it seems like the use of yellow paint really magnifies the uber-stylized rippedness that McGuinness' art is well known for.
Subtle details like his mad frown and colorway of red and black eyes makes this sculpture a serious buy for any Zoom fan. This line is expected to release late October 2010.
The final line-up that caught my eye is the New Krypton themed toys- based on the series written by Greg Rucka & James Robinson with art by Pete Woods & covers via Gary Frank.

The Braniac fig looks to have jumped straight out of Geoff Johns & Gary Frank's 5-part Brainiac story from Action Comics. Hot damn, it's about time we have a serious sculpt that typifies how badass this character is.
Also in this great line is Superwoman, Kal-El in military guild fatigues (also seems to be Frank inspired) and Mon-El. The New Krypton line should be hitting shops in early October.
Along with these killer items, DC Direct has sick offerings in their sculpture busts, Ame-com lineup and many other ways to go broke and support your mad DC-head addiction. Alrighty, now to make some more room on the shelves...
This post was written by:
big O

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