Oh EVS, you have been absent for quite a bit. I can see you haven't been couch potato'ing, watching daily Maury Povich episodes of "Is This My Baby's Daddy?", eating pizza rolls and drinking Yoo Hoos. You've been busy. Above is EVS's Flash:Rebirth #6 variant cover (he is also the interior artist), due out later on this month. Ohhh Chessie likey...Chessie likey long time.

We can see that Mr. Van Sciver is no stranger to the Scarlett Speedster. This blast from the past is from The Flash #214/November 2004/Volume 2, where he was the cover artist.
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1 Responses to “Dime Pieces - Ethan Van Sciver”
February 4, 2010 at 2:06 PM
Yo Ches!! I heard from various sites that EVS and Morrison are teaming up on Wonder-Woman sometime in 2010!!