Feb 16, 2010
Tags | Blackest Night:Flash, chessie, comicbooks, Deadpool, Green Lantern Corps, Ticklin' Spines, Uncanny X-Men
Ticklin' Spines - 2/17/2010
5:44 PM

Batman #696 - Tony Daniel / Tony Daniel
Black Widow:Deadly Origin #4 - Paul Cornell / Tom Raney (cover - Adi Granov)

Blackest Night:The Flash #3 - Geoff Johns / Scott Kolins / V (Francis Manapul)
Daredevil #505 - Andy Diggle / Marco Checchetto (cover - Paolo Rivera) / V (Deadpool variant)
Deadpool #19 - Daniel Way / Paco Medina (cover - Jason Pearson)
Deadpool:Merc with a Mouth #8 - Victor Gischler / Bong Dazo (cover - Arthur Suydam)

Green Lantern #51 - Geoff Johns / Doug Mahnke / V (Greg Horn)

Green Lantern Corps #45 - Peter J Tomasi / Patrick Gleason / V (Greg Horn)
The Outsiders #27 - Dan Didio / Phillip Tan
Psylocke #4 - Christopher Yost / Harvey Tolibao (cover - David Finch)
Spider-Woman #6 - Brian Michael Bendis / Alex Maleev

Uncanny X-Men #521 - Matt Fraction / Greg Land / V (Deadpool variant)
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