Mar 2, 2010

Yo Omar, you's a sugar plum fairy!

8:59 AM

Allow me to introduce myself... My name is Bucky, straight from Kentucky. Actually it's Indiana, but that didn't rhyme. My good friend Omar invited me pontificate about all things comics in his lil' blog sandbox, so here I am. *doffs hat to Omar & JJ* Right off the bat, I am white and I don't have a clue what Dakine means. So there's that. And instead of doing what I was invited to do, I am going to discuss my recent obsession... Wu Tang vs. The Beatles-Enter The Magical Mystery Chambers.

I realize that the era of the mash-up might be fading star, but what is hip hop really except rhymes over beats which are often sampled from other artists? This entire album is Wu Tang songs over Beatles beats. Ala Danger Mouse's Grey album which was audio alchemy at it's finest mixing Jay Z's Black Album with the Beatles' White Album. Minus the Rick Rubin produced 99 Problems, I find every track on the Grey Album superior than it's counterparts on the Black Album. Again I find myself liking this album more than any previous Wu Tang joint. However, I was never that big of a fan of the Wu Tang Clan....

Still here? I know that is a bold statement but I've honestly enjoyed all of the Clan's individual albums more than their group albums which always seemed to be a bit of a mess. This comes into play with The Enter The Magical Mystery Chambers (EMMC) as Tom Caruna doesn't limit himself to one album's worth of Wu but uses tracks from the Wu's solo albums. ODB, Method, etc.

I'm still working my way through the album as there are twenty-seven (27!!!) tracks on here. Some stand-outs thus far are C.R.E.A.M. (over I Love Her), Uh Huh (over You Know My Name), and Smith Bros. (over Can't Buy Me Love). I had to look up the samples on this last track as it sounded like "Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairies. " I'm going to try my hardest to get "sugar plum fairy" into the put-down lexicon. "Yo, your moms a sugar plum fairy." So great right? I'm not sure why put-downs must start with "yo" either. "Yo, when someone yells kool-aid, your mom comes busting thru the wall." Same as when an emmcee starts to rhyme battle he begins his flow with "uh... uh..." I'm digressing.

Like The Grey Album, MMC has received a cease and desist notice from Capitol Records due to sample clearance or lack thereof. Fortunately or unfortunately, this just brings more press to this album and makes crate/long-box diggers like myself look that much harder for it. I found it this past Sunday on a torrent site, so it's still out there in the ether. Good luck hunting and it was a pleasure meeting you.

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