Apr 8, 2010
Tags | Carlos Pacheco, chessie, comicbooks, David Finch, Doug Mahnke, Frank Cho, Ivan Reis, Olivier Coipel, Steve McNiven, They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah
They Make Good Dwa-rings Brah:March 2010
2:45 PM
March had a plethora of extraordinary art. It was quite difficult in picking my top 7 artists for the month of March.

7. Olivier Coipel / Siege #3
To be quite frank, Siege is the only title of this "event" that has tickled my fancy (I lied, the one exception is the Secret Warriors book). Much of this is due to the writing of Brian Michael Bendis & the eye-popping art from Frenchman, Mr. Coipel. Norman Osborne reverting to his Green Goblin persona was creepy and hilarious.

6. Frank Cho / New Ultimates #1
Oh Frankie Cho, your art is indeed dandy like candy. But your characterization of super heroines & femme fatales are teetering on the lines of erotica. By the look of Thor's face, he agrees.

5. Carlos Pacheco / Ultimate Avengers #5
I am pleasantly surprised by the new Ultimate line:Jeff Loeb & Frank Cho - New Ultimates, Loeb & Art Adams - Ultimate X, Mark Millar & Carlos Pacheco - Ultimate Avengers. I like the gritty, cynical, PG-13 tone of these books. Pacheco's work on Ultimate Avengers is just plain nasty (in a good way). Ultimate Red Skull makes all other renditions of Red Skulls look like a bunch of Cub Scouts. Looks like his daddy is a bit peeved.

4. Doug Mahnke / Green Lantern #52
There are not enough adjectives I can say about Mr. Mahnke's work throughout the Blackest Night story arc. His was the most consistently beautiful throughout the whole run.

3. Steve McNiven / Nemesis #1
Neme-who? Who the bleepin' hell is this? I really did not give a flying monkey crap because it was Mark Millar & this talented Canadian. What can go wrong? Absolutely nothing. Looks like this creator-owned comic book is taking the term super-villain to new total-disregard-for-nothing levels. I now understand the saying, "When the sh*t hits the fan".

2. David Finch / X-Men:Second Coming #1
Mr. Finch's swan song before he signed to be an exclusive artist at DC is bittersweet. His highly detailed & drop-dead work on my favorite mutants made my eyes dance.

1. Ivan Reis / Blackest Night #8
Last but not least is the Brazilian anchor of Blackest Night's space-zombie, technicolor-warrior epic. He certainly did not hold anything back on this last story of the arc. I am waiting in anticipation on his next project.
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7. Olivier Coipel / Siege #3
To be quite frank, Siege is the only title of this "event" that has tickled my fancy (I lied, the one exception is the Secret Warriors book). Much of this is due to the writing of Brian Michael Bendis & the eye-popping art from Frenchman, Mr. Coipel. Norman Osborne reverting to his Green Goblin persona was creepy and hilarious.

6. Frank Cho / New Ultimates #1
Oh Frankie Cho, your art is indeed dandy like candy. But your characterization of super heroines & femme fatales are teetering on the lines of erotica. By the look of Thor's face, he agrees.

5. Carlos Pacheco / Ultimate Avengers #5
I am pleasantly surprised by the new Ultimate line:Jeff Loeb & Frank Cho - New Ultimates, Loeb & Art Adams - Ultimate X, Mark Millar & Carlos Pacheco - Ultimate Avengers. I like the gritty, cynical, PG-13 tone of these books. Pacheco's work on Ultimate Avengers is just plain nasty (in a good way). Ultimate Red Skull makes all other renditions of Red Skulls look like a bunch of Cub Scouts. Looks like his daddy is a bit peeved.

4. Doug Mahnke / Green Lantern #52
There are not enough adjectives I can say about Mr. Mahnke's work throughout the Blackest Night story arc. His was the most consistently beautiful throughout the whole run.

3. Steve McNiven / Nemesis #1
Neme-who? Who the bleepin' hell is this? I really did not give a flying monkey crap because it was Mark Millar & this talented Canadian. What can go wrong? Absolutely nothing. Looks like this creator-owned comic book is taking the term super-villain to new total-disregard-for-nothing levels. I now understand the saying, "When the sh*t hits the fan".

2. David Finch / X-Men:Second Coming #1
Mr. Finch's swan song before he signed to be an exclusive artist at DC is bittersweet. His highly detailed & drop-dead work on my favorite mutants made my eyes dance.

1. Ivan Reis / Blackest Night #8
Last but not least is the Brazilian anchor of Blackest Night's space-zombie, technicolor-warrior epic. He certainly did not hold anything back on this last story of the arc. I am waiting in anticipation on his next project.
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