Jun 24, 2010
Tags | Modern Warfare 2, tech, tim-chi, videogames
Da' Opinion- Cheaters never win
10:27 AM

Although frowned upon by many players, Developer Infinity Ward allows boosting. Yet, some players make it a hobby to stop boosters such as sandyravage, bobgodz, kpopp and Poland's ps3houseMPDL.
These booster slayers have gained popularity with up to a million YouTube views and thousands of subscribers. They're fun to watch as they locate cheaters within remote areas of a map and begin putting the smack down. In response, some cheaters will send nasty messages or drop out of a game completely. And added bonus is hearing the barage of curses or the pleads for the booster slayers to stop.
All in all, it sure makes for some good down time.
At 3:01, Prisoner36 drops the riot shield annoyance.
ps3HouseMDL laying it down...
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