Jan 22, 2011
Mixed Plate Comics- Week of 1.19.11
10:57 PM
A lighter than usual stack that we get to pimp in a week so went with some back issues of Teen Titans, Remender and Opena's Uncanny X-Force run, Paul Cornell's Wisdom trade (thx for looking out James! Isotope!!!) and Cassanova Luxuria to fill out these pulls: Green Lantern Corps #56 / Superman/Batman #80 / Batman #706 / Wolverine #5 / Invincible Iron Man #500 / Power Girl #20 / Brightest Day #18. Here are the ménage à trois :
3 The Invincible Iron Man #500 Matt Fraction & Salvador Larroca
I couldn't deny the friggin tech-glyph, delish art of Larocca's variant cover and after a bit of skimming I was so lost at what is actually happening in the world of Tony Stark-- I decided to pick it up.
Peter Parker is helping Stark since his self-induced mindwipe and though he doesn't have all the memories of his various projects and tinkerings-- he is still a mad-genius. And being from the world of academia (me that is), smart people like hanging with other smarties.
Between their nerdy bromancing of talking about Tony's challenges on keeping his tech out of bad people's hands-- we are thrown around time to see how Tony's predecessors & his tech helps to create a hellish-world he is fighting to avoid. Meanwhile, Iron Man goes out to battle some splintered anarchy group that got a hold of some of Stilt-Man's stuff and with Spidey as wing-man-- they easily handle the baddie-newbs.
Liked the segmented storytelling of Fraction, who I am re-discovering through his Cassanova books and as usual Larocca brings the fire when his pencils meet the paper. A great story that no doubt gives the homage to ish 500 that Marvel's tinman deserves. Like most milestone books you get bonus pages and cool spreads like all 500 covers of Iron Man. Really appreciate how Iron Man has been rebooted to create more connection to the highly popular films and all without him having to kick the bucket (see Capt. America, Batman, Fantastic Four and soon-- Spider-Man).
2 Power Girl #20 Judd Winick & Sami Basri
PG goes ape-shit on a horde of Professor Ivo's Cadmus mutant-monsters. And one of em is an oversized version of Krypto!! Thanks to the unexplainable loyalty stiched in to a canine's DNA he actually helps Karen and Nicco in battling the otherworldly beasts.
Basri's art continually astounds and Winick's balance in keeping things fast-moving, fun and well-connected to his other book-- Generation Lost rocks.
So cool to see how much love Batman is getting amongst many DC books since his return by being thrown into various stories and gotta say it is a thing of beauty in how well Max Lord is interwoven between both of Winick's titles..wait didn't I say that already?? F*ck it. Next up, PG vs the JLI!
1 Brightest Day #18 John/Tomasi & Reis/Syaf/Prado/Clark
In the interesting but very logical team-up of the Hawks and Pink Lanterns (so glad they go as Star Sapphires or Zamarons right?!)-- facing the newly merged Predator-- who fused with Shiera's bitchy momma, we see Hawkman and Hawkgirl triumphant in overcoming their curse. And within a few panels, Tomasi/Johns piss off and at the same time brings Brightest Day glory to the interwebs.
Tons of speculation on whether we will see them again prior to the end of Brightest Day, but with the coming of Flashpoint-- and numerous reboots, we all know we will see those Thanagorians again. 2 down, 10 more to go, who is next to be doomed of the resurrected 12, please don't let it be Dove!!!
Boston Brand/Deadman's retooling and shine is appealing and made me jump into my big ole Wednesday Comics book to get some more of his story-- if he is part of a new book I would probably jump on it-- would you? Now what is Aqua War all about?! Find out in two weeks...
This post was written by:
big O
3 The Invincible Iron Man #500 Matt Fraction & Salvador Larroca
I couldn't deny the friggin tech-glyph, delish art of Larocca's variant cover and after a bit of skimming I was so lost at what is actually happening in the world of Tony Stark-- I decided to pick it up.
Peter Parker is helping Stark since his self-induced mindwipe and though he doesn't have all the memories of his various projects and tinkerings-- he is still a mad-genius. And being from the world of academia (me that is), smart people like hanging with other smarties.
Between their nerdy bromancing of talking about Tony's challenges on keeping his tech out of bad people's hands-- we are thrown around time to see how Tony's predecessors & his tech helps to create a hellish-world he is fighting to avoid. Meanwhile, Iron Man goes out to battle some splintered anarchy group that got a hold of some of Stilt-Man's stuff and with Spidey as wing-man-- they easily handle the baddie-newbs.
Liked the segmented storytelling of Fraction, who I am re-discovering through his Cassanova books and as usual Larocca brings the fire when his pencils meet the paper. A great story that no doubt gives the homage to ish 500 that Marvel's tinman deserves. Like most milestone books you get bonus pages and cool spreads like all 500 covers of Iron Man. Really appreciate how Iron Man has been rebooted to create more connection to the highly popular films and all without him having to kick the bucket (see Capt. America, Batman, Fantastic Four and soon-- Spider-Man).
2 Power Girl #20 Judd Winick & Sami Basri
PG goes ape-shit on a horde of Professor Ivo's Cadmus mutant-monsters. And one of em is an oversized version of Krypto!! Thanks to the unexplainable loyalty stiched in to a canine's DNA he actually helps Karen and Nicco in battling the otherworldly beasts.
Basri's art continually astounds and Winick's balance in keeping things fast-moving, fun and well-connected to his other book-- Generation Lost rocks.
So cool to see how much love Batman is getting amongst many DC books since his return by being thrown into various stories and gotta say it is a thing of beauty in how well Max Lord is interwoven between both of Winick's titles..wait didn't I say that already?? F*ck it. Next up, PG vs the JLI!
1 Brightest Day #18 John/Tomasi & Reis/Syaf/Prado/Clark
In the interesting but very logical team-up of the Hawks and Pink Lanterns (so glad they go as Star Sapphires or Zamarons right?!)-- facing the newly merged Predator-- who fused with Shiera's bitchy momma, we see Hawkman and Hawkgirl triumphant in overcoming their curse. And within a few panels, Tomasi/Johns piss off and at the same time brings Brightest Day glory to the interwebs.
Tons of speculation on whether we will see them again prior to the end of Brightest Day, but with the coming of Flashpoint-- and numerous reboots, we all know we will see those Thanagorians again. 2 down, 10 more to go, who is next to be doomed of the resurrected 12, please don't let it be Dove!!!
Boston Brand/Deadman's retooling and shine is appealing and made me jump into my big ole Wednesday Comics book to get some more of his story-- if he is part of a new book I would probably jump on it-- would you? Now what is Aqua War all about?! Find out in two weeks...
This post was written by:
big O

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