Jul 7, 2011

New Trailer! Batman Year One

11:31 AM

Earlier today, WB Animated premiered the Batman: Year One trailer over at MTV Splash Page and it looks to deliver on Bruce Timm's promise of being a "straight forward literal retelling", not an adaptation to the Miller/Mazzucchelli classic.

Oh yes, Catwoman gets even more shine beyond her cameo in the film with a spotlighted original short (15 minutes long to be exact).

The question is, will you and I be brave enough to handle the long-ass queue that will be set for the Batman: Year One World Premiere scheduled at SDCC (Ballroom 20, Friday 22nd) at 8pm?!  Umm...will have to flesh out the calendar first to see if I can afford to wait in the line that will require a minimum of 3 to 4 hours.

Can we really wait until it's official release of October 18th??  Hmm...

This post was written by:
big O
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