Jul 5, 2011

WTF moment of the Week- DC: The New 52

1:41 PM

DC Comics has released a solid sizzle reel that was shown at the DC Retailer Summit last month at WB Studios.  The video showcase highlights a good amount of reasons to be pumped for the August 31st start date of The New 52-- as told by DC creators Grant Morrison, Bob Harras, Jim Lee, Eddie Berganza and Dan DiDio.  52 new books, 52 creators = $$$!  From looking at the compiled list I will be picking up at least 21 of the new releases and who knows if I will have the strength and discipline to hold out on the others.  Definitely going print vs. digital cos thats just how I do!!

After watching the vid the second time around I couldn't help but pull out the Justice League image above, scanning the fresh Jim Lee art and thinking just how ill it will be to have Geoff Johns and Lee bringing us a Justice League comic.

Thanks to BleedingCool for uploading the reel for all of us on YouTube.

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big O
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