Aug 1, 2011
Tags | events, Film, Frank Frazetta, Frank Miller, heavy metal, machete, quick draw, Robert Rodriguez, SDCC, sin city, Trey
SDCC 2011: Robert Rodriguez Brings Focus Back to Art
7:49 PM

Robert Rodriguez is on a mission. A mission he made abundantly clear at Comic-Con's Hall H: He's going to fill in the gaps that Hollywood skips.
For instance, take the first announcement of Rodriguez's news-heavy panel. Where is the movie featuring what Rodriguez called a "badass Mexican in space"? (Sorry, Edward James Olmos, your role in "Battle Star Galactica" doesn't count for being a TV show and not particularly badass.) Rodriguez will rectify that glaring hole in the cinescape with Machete Kills…Again, which will follow the green-lit and Earth-set Machete sequel, Machete Kills.
Second sequel announcement: The next long-awaited installment of Sin City with Frank Miller is closer than ever to starting production. Tentatively titled A Dame to Kill For, the script is in development and could be shot this year. And it might be in 3-D. *cringe*
Rodriguez was just getting warmed up. He's also starting up a new production company called Quick Draw Productions, where he and other like-minded filmmakers can develop, finance and green-light movies all in one place. That sounds great, but want to know what we think the real reason behind creating the new company is? To bust out its new logo – a gold skull on top of two golden pistols.

Now that looks like a company that makes movies I want to see! Which leads us to the two Quick Draw films Rodriguez plans on putting out in the next couple years.
First: A new Heavy Metal film. Rodriguez said he was a big fan growing up, and on a whim asked if the film rights were available. They were, he purchased them, and now he plans on giving it the full "Robert Rodriguez stays true to the source material" treatment. He's even leaving a spot open for a fan to participate (open now at, since the magazine was also based on audience submissions.
Second: A series of films based on the art of Frank Frazetta. Specifically, the first will tackle the 1983 Frazetta-Ralph Bakshi collaboration Fire and Ice, then he'll move on to a film based on "The Death Dealer." Rodriguez promised to bring the paintings to life, creating a film that "looks like it was shot inside Frazetta's paintings." And who better than Rodriguez to take on the task?

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