Nov 8, 2011
Tags | comicbooks, Crystal, Dark Horse, Mass Effect, Mass Effect: Invasion
The Battle at Omega Continues in Mass Effect: Invasion #2
9:08 PM
Mass Effect: Invasion #1, written by BioWare lead writer Mac Walters and scripted by John Jackson Miller, was released last month. The art was fitting to the Mass Effect universe, drawn by Omar Francia and complemented with beautiful cover art options by Paul Renaud and Massimo Carnevale. This series is meant to lead up to Mass Effect 3, and it definitely piqued my interest.
Now, Mass Effect: Invasion #2's release is on the horizon and I was lucky enough to read it in advance!

***The following review assumes you've read #1 and provides an introduction to the beginning of #2, so fair warning now that it may contain spoilers!***
As Mass Effect: Invasion #1 ended, Aria teamed up with Cerberus to jump in to ships and fight right outside Omega to take the invaders down. We then witnessed Colonel Ashe - who was originally placed under arrest by Aria's after he tried to give orders to her people - break out of custody and murder his captors. The biggest eyebrow raising moment of issue #1 arrived on the last page, when Colonel Ashe contacts Cerberus asking for the Illusive Man, stating that he is "ready to start the real battle for Omega."
Invasion #2 kicks off right in the action as Aria and General Petrovsky of Cerberus are flying directly outside of Omega trying to stop the invaders. As the battle becomes more intense, Pertrovsky claims that the only way to truly stop the invaders is by going directly to the source, meaning that they would have to go through the Omega 4 Relay.
Though this issue does not elaborate on Cerberus' exact motivation, watching the puzzle pieces of the power play starting fall in to place in issue #2 is impressive. There's a beauty in their guilefulness, and the art in the comic matches that malefic beauty. Credit for the art should also include the brilliant coloring by Michael Atiyeh, whose work with Aria's biotics are especially striking.
I repeat what I concluded about the first issue, only ten fold: it’s a must for all Mass Effect fans. I'm ready to claw at someone to get the next issue.
Mass Effect: Invasion #2 releases on Wednesday, November 16th. Preview the first 6 pages right here.
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Now, Mass Effect: Invasion #2's release is on the horizon and I was lucky enough to read it in advance!

***The following review assumes you've read #1 and provides an introduction to the beginning of #2, so fair warning now that it may contain spoilers!***
As Mass Effect: Invasion #1 ended, Aria teamed up with Cerberus to jump in to ships and fight right outside Omega to take the invaders down. We then witnessed Colonel Ashe - who was originally placed under arrest by Aria's after he tried to give orders to her people - break out of custody and murder his captors. The biggest eyebrow raising moment of issue #1 arrived on the last page, when Colonel Ashe contacts Cerberus asking for the Illusive Man, stating that he is "ready to start the real battle for Omega."
Invasion #2 kicks off right in the action as Aria and General Petrovsky of Cerberus are flying directly outside of Omega trying to stop the invaders. As the battle becomes more intense, Pertrovsky claims that the only way to truly stop the invaders is by going directly to the source, meaning that they would have to go through the Omega 4 Relay.
Though this issue does not elaborate on Cerberus' exact motivation, watching the puzzle pieces of the power play starting fall in to place in issue #2 is impressive. There's a beauty in their guilefulness, and the art in the comic matches that malefic beauty. Credit for the art should also include the brilliant coloring by Michael Atiyeh, whose work with Aria's biotics are especially striking.
I repeat what I concluded about the first issue, only ten fold: it’s a must for all Mass Effect fans. I'm ready to claw at someone to get the next issue.
Mass Effect: Invasion #2 releases on Wednesday, November 16th. Preview the first 6 pages right here.
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